Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Little Boheme

We all have that something bohemian in us. That part  in our normal everyday lives where in the normal we actually would like to be extra ordinary.

This weekend one of the kids working on a film shoot told me that they have a group of friends who usually take photographs of each other in their pj's in the craziest of places, going to the movie, climbing Table Mountain and through this craziness inspire each other to be more. Me - asking the question why? the answer was One Life in all ways. God before everything. You need to live your life with honesty, integrity, joy, creativity, and be in the moment.

This got me inspired and thinking to live my life a bit more extra ordinary every day. Albeit having that normal everyday life, live a little bit more bohemian and make the normal a bit abnormal in a good way. Trying new creative things and just to share the small little joyous moments in every day.

Sharing a bit of my creative inspiration is my little girl in bloom, we are saying, fare thee well,  to our summer and were moving into autumn. This brings all new colors and experiences to light and I can't wait to share them with you as well.

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